Two in one

by M’afua Awo Twumwaah

You do not know what happens when a woman looks from the inside
and sees her reflection between the teeth of a man

When you have drawn the curtains and have seen yourself become
something so small to be swallowed you must shrink back

Not everything that lies behind closed doors must be knocked open.
A woman is never who she tells you she is

Please never believe us. Look carefully. Find the teeth marks hidden under her breasts
She has found she can live in two bodies, name them differently and not be conflicted.

Do you know what happens when a woman looks from the inside
and sees her reflection between the teeth of a man?

At sun down, I’ve seen mother melt like shea, rub ourselves with hers
And tell us I may not always be this
But please remember the ritual.

Awo Twumwaah currently lives in Accra, Ghana. She works in the accounting and finance field and is a lover of the arts. She is currently interested in poetry, fiction and the performing arts. She shares her life and works on her blog and her social media platforms.