
by Kofi Amed

What a cameo in the hot harmattan eve!
Sweet soursop scents marinated with the haze
And all the other ones impassed in my qui vive.

Words became satisfying minting juice,
Black with currents ,mingled bittersweet after
Soft like lush ripe and delicious in undying truth.

But In this colorful world of pines and apples,
With the sour and the dapples between the toil
We will weather the rains and dry foggy nights.

In all laughter and of youthful lovers delight,
Not of science of apples falling for clues
Nor of religion with the doom preceding the bite.

But with all hope. hope from a trampled rose,
Earnestly rooting for the hazelnuts
Swinging between the canes of sugars and beats.

As it touches the ground like a whispered prayer,
With heaven’s own sacramental wine
Wholesome and pristine.

Five centimeters beneath the dangling papayas,
under a starry night gaze with splendor
Can you see how vividly the moonlight scrawls the pomegranate.

Beneath moist soils with seeded holes!
Hold your grounds your sprouting melon
So here’s to your juice you amazing tangelo
Hold your grounds with bunches of love.

Kofi Amed is a Ghanaian writer and poet who writes different genres of poetry. He mostly writes about Africa, social and personal issues relating them to how he feels and his view of the world at large. He loves photography, travelling and cooking.